would not reign in your zoo.
I would not be the king of your harem.
not circumvent a howl anthroposophical
with my barking cruel.
shoes I would not spend
procurándote an appointment more pleasant,
or sandals ever reach you
to replace me as saying.
not like to hide when the jet
force the door with his pick,
happens that more rain is hot
close, and higher my legs.
I would not take off his tie,
that, that you got by mistake.
not go one day the sky as Laika
to testify in your favor.
are so many, so dense and feline
the thousand and one things that I would not,
that show caninísimamente
do not want, do not want, and I do not want;
when you gave your hand, maula ungrateful
you took the widths to pocket
and I are only three fours,
that neither pa 'trick, not to underwear.
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