Saturday, August 15, 2009

Thank You Poems For Wedding Program

Aethra – Tales From Distant Skies And Far Beyond

What? after long time of not bring more metal, now I'll be sponsoring some Mexican bands that some are proud to achieve a higher quality than commercial bands (unfortunately not in terms of recording equipment). I present on this occasion, a band from Monterrey, Nuevo León.

Logo oficial y actual de la banda

Aethra in Greek mythology is the mortal woman who gave birth to Theseus, son of Poseidon, came in 1994 with a lineup of 4 members: Roberto Rojas on guitars, Alan Gomez on bass, Ricardo J. Alvarez on guitars and Pastor Daniel in percussion and drums. That training continues Álvarez only guitarist in the band and only being 3 people, has now been in early labor.

During his career he has recorded many musicians moves and changes, especially in regard to battery. However in recent years, the band and after recording two demos that are freely available online has been little movement so one could assume that it has virtually lost contact.

The information is confusing and many scrambled data between what is known about it, so therefore I will speak directly to disk:

Portada del disco

're talking about a disc with a recording quality rather low, due to the equipment used and also because of his lack of record label. However to be a demo is nothing to sneeze their content, much less the number of tracks contained therein ("only" 8), it is offset by the lack of quality writing the fact of high quality. His symphonic metal sound reminds a bit to Rhapsody in the beginning, or Dragonland also in its infancy, the audio quality on keyboards, the passive feeling of the composition and the amazing (believe me ... it's pure talent ) ability Álvarez on guitar. Nevertheless, strip their sound more towards a melodic hard rock.

is a band from the start to listen you realize that contains an aura unlike other power metal bands, and that's very respectable in this genre that is sometimes involved in the lack of creativity. I catalogaría as a fusion of Sonata Artica with Fairyland except in the vocal aspect, which is unlike any other voice in the genre have ever heard. The only strange disc is the lack of double bass is almost negligible.

I can highlight the 'Overture' which is a pompous and epic track, a very intro to Dragonland 'The Battle Of The Ivory Plains', and really is a beauty only to have been done with a keyboard. Also 'Riding The Winds Of Time' is a rather curious item though slow, because it sounds like a little strawberry Hard Rock but has a special charm that makes it very melodic. 'The Mountain Behind The Sky' is a topic with a cane and start some speed, which is sound enough to power a decent remastering future (if possible ...). 'Brave Sword' is again a slow but hard-rocking enough to turn heads.

'Heart to Heart "is a ballad with a very sentimental beginning guitar and accompanied by a sweet voice that is very good fit with the peace. It is my view one of the best songs that accompany this album because its sound quality is the most significant. Although 'The Prophet' is not nothing left behind, still in my personal opinion the best tracks despite being instrumental, because the guitar does a splendid job of listening, and good 'Winslow' describes the sound a bit future band, despite their poor quality is an issue with very good accommodation.

only highlight a 'Valley Of Dawn' as the theme of the group X, which I did not like anything, but they draw their own conclusions.

Anyway, this is not the best album, but it is a boot. Later I'll upload the next general opinion that is a tremendous great album, to be alert.

Published in: 2003.
Gender: Power Metal / Hard Rock.
Country: Mexico.

2.Valley of Dawn.
3.Riding the Wings of Time. 4.The
Behind the Mountain Sky. 5.Brave
6.Heart to Heart.
7.The Prophet.

Created under the formation of:

Alberto Rojas - Guitar . Rick J.
Alvarez - Guitarra .
Alan Gomez - Low.
Eduardo Gomez - Voice.
Rene Almaguer - Keyboard.
Oscar Ortega - Battery.

Download from Mediafire .


I leave, I consider the best tracks on this album.


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